Applied AI is a rose – understand the thorny challenges

Applied AI – the application of AI technology in business, is skyrocketing. An Accenture report on AI revealed that 84% of business executives believe that AI adoption would drive their business growth. Applied AI empowers businesses with end-to-end process automation and continuous process improvement for greater productivity and profitability. However, applied AI is like a rose garden. AI-powered business applications are enticing, but you should be aware of the thorns surrounding the flowers. You need to use frameworks such as Responsible AI while embracing AI for your business. You should understand potential risks such as adversarial attacks and data poisoning. Understanding these concepts will help you address common hiccups in AI adoption for business before they choke your initiatives. Responsible AI Artificial intelligence is powerful. When used responsibly, AI can be a solution to many problems and change the world. It can be the...