AI to Hybrid: Hot cloud computing trends in 2024

Enterprises worldwide are embracing cloud computing as this is more efficient, reliable, agile, and secure than on-premises systems. Two-thirds of enterprises are running their infrastructure on cloud and this number is growing rapidly. Gartner predicted the worldwide public-cloud spending to be $600 billion in 2023. We will see these cloud-related numbers going only north in years to come. If you are already using cloud services or planning to move to cloud, it’d be better to understand what’s happening in this space. To help you get a snapshot of what’s cooking in the clouds, we have curated some hot cloud computing trends to look for in 2024. Be on the edge with Edge computing For the uninitiated, let me quickly brief the term edge computing. Edge is the source where data is generated in your organization. For example, a manufacturing facility that has sensors collecting machine data. Suppose your edge is in a remote location or inhospitable environments. ...